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We created the TorrentTags database with the goal of allowing users to distinguish between legal and illegal torrents. This goal will be achieved when the following two conditions are met:

1. Rights holders publicly declare ownership of the copyrighted content that they don't want to be distributed through torrents.

2. The idea that everything that is not claimed can be legally torrented is accepted by the rights holders. (We believe that copyright claims for torrents have to be made public before users' online activity can be monitored with the goal of suing. Furthermore, we believe that without a public claim such monitoring would be equivalent to 'honeypot' strategies. This is because, from a user's perspective, any torrent without a public claim is indistinguishable from a torrent created by a copyright owner with the aim of operating a 'honeypot'. We think that this principle should also be applied to any copyright litigations, notifications schemes and preliminary discovery processes.)

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